Sunday, December 9, 2012

Planning is a guess

Planning is an educated guess, an informed hypothesis. When an outcome differs something went wrong in the design of our thoughts or the formation of things as they were supposed to happen. We need to be adaptable. Able to move swiftly and reorganize using the new situation, game pieces, or objects. The best ideas were formed over time. Each one proofed by trial and error. Theory becomes law once proven or debugged.

Simply put: PDCA.

God Bless,


Sunday, November 18, 2012

Young Bird Dogs

There will be many things that come your way in life that sound great. So great, in fact, that you want to jump on the idea. The next step is the defining moment. A bird dog in his or her career (well it is) faces this same thing every hunt but the defining moments are based on the age, training and overall experience of the dog. The younger bird dog will go after the first set of birds and then if another set were to raise jump at those losing some control in the situation. Everything is an opportunity worth hunting! The older bird dog takes a group and patently stalks until the right opportunity. The veteran is not distracted until the right moment - regardless of other set backs along the way, such as a neighboring group stir...

We too, do this. Sometimes the most amazing offers or ideas will come your way. It is OK to pass if it does not feel right or fit the current plan (now). It will not be the only thing amazing or creative to ever happen. The house that seems perfect but a little out of your range, is just that - out of your range. The business idea that is out of scope of this project should be put on a parking lot list. Whatever your situation, remember the "new" will fade. Once that does - would it still be the right decision?

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Failing (Forward!)

While watching the outcomes of the election this year I heard a phrase that I like. Regardless of who I prefer in an election, I do like, and always have liked, the thought of "Forward!" Popularized by President Obama, I think that this plays a large part in our lives as parents. In fact, there is a popular John Maxwell book entitled Failing Forward

The concept is this: Learn from the present and adapt. Take the so called failures and use them towards our advantage. This is more than a "learn from your mistakes" concept. Own the failure and adapt. Make a plan on what you want to happen. Take that plan and perform against it. Check the results from the plan you performed. Make some adjustments and start the plan again. This is not a science, but a business proven model to continually improve the results. If we were to simply acknowledge a mistake and take a completely new path then you are essentially starting over. If you were to do nothing and continue the pattern that lead to the failure then you are insane, as indicated by Albert Einstein. (His idea of insanity was to perform the same actions expecting different results.)  

Adapt. Fail Forward!

God Bless - Joe